5 Reasons You're Struggling to Find Energy for Your Marketing

No one needs to tell you being a wedding planner is a hard career—it is your life after all. But as much as you love your work, after a day of making miracles happen for your clients, it can be really hard to find the energy for all the other things your planning business demands of you. The emails. Your bookkeeping. Your marketing—oh the marketing.

Marketing your wedding planning business probably feels hard enough because you’re not a marketing expert. But add the fact that it’s yet another responsibility you have on top of everything else? Marketing can feel like a massive drain on your energy. The thing is (and I say this with all the love), you’re struggling to find the energy because you’ve got some bad marketing habits.


The good news is, there’s a way out. And step 1 is realizing what your bad habits are so you can make a change and revitalize your marketing. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do now—help you understand the reasons you’re struggle to find the energy to do your marketing as well as the mindset shifts and practical changes you need to make this hard part of your wedding business a heck of a lot easier.


Energy drain #1: You’re making decisions all the time

Solution: Create a marketing strategy


Decision fatigue is very real, so if after making countless decisions for your couples you think you’re going to have the energy to make even more decisions about marketing—you’re fooling yourself (again, said with all the love). Pair that with the fact you’re not a marketing expert? The constant need to make marketing decisions starts to feel like something that’s easier to avoid than to tackle.


The way you don’t feel drained lies in creating a solid marketing strategy because you set aside some time to make the key, big, heavy decisions ahead of time. And by outlining your goals, ideal clients, and tasks you’re going to do in advance you reduce decision-making fatigue because you’ve done your future self a huge favor—and worn your CEO hat really well.

wedding planner posing with bouquet of red and pink flowers

Energy drain #2: You’re trying to sprint a marathon

Solution: Change your pace


It’s cliché but true: marketing is a marathon. So, when you think (or try) to do marketing day after day after day, it’s the same as trying to sprint a marathon—and that is an impossibility unless you’re a professional. So, right now I’m going to give you the permission you have been looking for because I’m telling you you don’t need to actively work on your marketing every day.


What you need to do is come up with a pace of batch-working on your marketing you can actually maintain. Maybe that’s blocking every Tuesday morning to work on your marketing. Maybe it’s a full day every other week. Whatever the pace is for you, set aside (and dedicate) blocks of time at a regular cadence and work on your marketing then.


Energy drain #3: Your marketing muscle is out of shape

Solution: Create a marketing routine


Related to the marketing is a marathon analogy—consistency is key (hello, second cliché of the day!). But, as we all know and experience, being consistent is hard because your marketing muscles are very out of shape. That’s because you’ve been trying to sprint…then you get tired and need a break…then you start up again…and go to fast…and the cycle continues. This start and stop approach of periods of intense marketing and complete inactivity mean it's time to establish an actual marketing routine.


Build on the time blocking and then define a routine of what you’re going to do and when. Are you going to start the month by writing a blog post? Then schedule social media posts every other week so you can not need to think about it for a while? Whatever routine works for you, create it, commit to it, and you’ll see how much less energy marketing takes.


Energy drain # 4: You’re trying to be in too many places

Solution: Focus on a few channels


If I had to guess, you’ve either got all your marketing eggs in one basket (a conversation for another day) or you are spreading yourself too thin by trying to market in all the places. And if you’re the latter, it's easy to feel drained when you’re trying to maintain a presence on every platform. Instead of diluting your energy, focus on doing a good job on 2 or 3 marketing vs. a half-assed job on 5. By concentrating your energy, you can maximize your impact without things feels so challenging.

Wedding planner's desk with pink notepad and laptop

Energy drain #5: You’re forcing yourself to do things you hate

Solution: Don’t—and use tech where you can


Doing things you hate is of course going to drain your energy! And if I had to take another guess—writing is the big marketing task you have on your list and always dread. Thankfully, there are options for you here. You can hire professionals and outsource certain projects (which I recommend for things like website copy), but an AI copywriter is perfect for certain blogs and definitely social media captions. Seriously, you basically have no excuse now because it takes no time to get a draft done!


Finding the energy for marketing can be a daunting task, but by addressing the root causes of your struggles and implementing practical solutions, you can reignite your passion for marketing your wedding planning business. And Enji is here to help you do just that because our marketing tools make creating your marketing strategy and building your routine the lighter lift you need them to be! Plus, with an AI copywriter that’s integrated with a social media scheduler, you can get marketing tasks done even on the days you’re feeling low on energy. Start your free 14-day trial today and see how good it feels to know you can totally do a great job with your marketing!


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