Daily Habits To Build Trust In Yourself

In episode 121 of Weddings For Real, Kim Montoya shared about daily habits to build in yourself. Kim is an event planner at Twenty 156 Events and has twenty-one years of experience planning elaborate live corporate events. When the pandemic hit, Kim’s business was hit hard when companies stopped planning in person events. It was then that Kim had the time to grow personally and coach people in her network on accountability and growth. Because people in hospitality give so much of themselves, when the pandemic hit, people didn’t know what to do with themselves. It was then that Kim embraced the idea that habits are the key to bettering ourselves. Habits became a bedrock and flipped the script on how she lived her life. 

Kim shared tips about making the most out of our day by building daily habits and getting rid of negative self talk and negative limiting thoughts. Habits are the things that we don’t even have to think about and once we establish them; they just happen. The core habits that Kim recommends are:

#1: Morning Routine

It’s important to get up one hour before anyone else on the planet requires your attention. If you don’t build in time for yourself in the mornings, you find yourself in a massive hurry which leads to people getting the worst of you because you’re behind schedule. If you get up earlier to handle your own business and center yourself, things will run more smoothly. You can decide what that centering is - maybe it’s a gratitude journal, a Bible study, a workout, a cup of coffee, or reviewing your calendar for the day.

#2: Gratitude

Perspective is everything, and there is always something going right that you can focus on. Kim uses the Start Today journal. Look for small things to be grateful for - maybe it’s a conversation you had, a possession that is useful, or a family member. When you think of the things you’re grateful for, you see the positives. It’s a great way to set your perspective. 

#3: Movement 

Movement is emotional, and it’s the perfect opportunity to clear your head. Take the time to go to the gym to refresh your mind and better yourself so that you go home in a happy mood. Take time to do something healthy for you - maybe it’s a walk or a Peloton ride. Track it, plan it, and feel accomplished after it.

#4: Learn from Everyone

Try to understand different perspectives. One way to do this is by reading. Soak up information and ideas different from your own — and not from TV or Instagram. Examples are learning vocabulary or geography from a novel, or maybe it’s learning from a biography or podcast. Every leader reads, and there’s so much information to absorb. 

On a similar note, my top two professional/personal development books are Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss and Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. Tools of Titans is an encyclopedia of interviews with high performers. Shoe Dog is a story from Nike’s founder that’s inspirational for people hustling. Phil wasn’t a classically trained business owner, but he made it work. It really would resonate with wedding professionals looking for practical advice. For podcasts, I love How I Built This with Guy Raz and Unlocking Us by Brene Brown. 

Don’t read this blog post or listen to the episode and think you have to do it all at once. Forming habits takes time and patience, so pick one thing and build trust with yourself. If you fail, try again. All that matters is that you start over every time you fall short. You don’t have to be all in or all out; you can eat birthday cake for lunch today and eat kale tomorrow. It’s all about self talk and self trust. As Kim said, “Trust yourself enough to know what works for you and what allows you to be the most successful.” If you’re looking to take one step towards success, consider joining The Planner’s Vault. The Planner’s Vault is an online membership and education platform to help you build your dream wedding planning business. Click here to learn more!


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