3 Mindset Tips for More Sales

Think about the career path you’re on and the job you’re working day in and day out. What are your first thoughts? Do you feel like you’re making a difference? Are you proud of what you do? Are you achieving your goals and making the money you deserve? Or, is there something holding you back? In this blog, I’m discussing one of my favorite topics, your mindset.

Maria Bayer, sales and mindset strategist, coach and wealth builder. Today, she's sharing how your mindset can affect your success. If you believe in yourself, you have a much better chance to reach your goals. If you doubt yourself, you’re less likely to meet your potential. As someone who suffers from imposter syndrome, it’s a tough reality to face but it's something I personally have been working on the past few years through devouring personal development content in audiobooks and podcasts, along with coaching and therapy.

Maria started with a stable job in finance until she realized that wasn’t enough, and she wanted the potential to make more money. Like many who end up as an entrepreneur, she went into sales. She got laid off one year into her software sales career and was embarrassed that she had left such a stable job and was then laid off. She discovered the value of mentorship and discovered the power of mindset. She began a new job and worked under someone that became a mentor to her. She learned that she didn’t have to be a stereotypical salesperson to be successful. Your brain is designed to keep you safe. Safety is dependent on your core beliefs. She thought that the sales industry was slimy and it held her back from profits. After her mindset shift, she tripled her sales and was on the path to growth and success. She learned to trust her gut and keep a positive mindset for success.

Myths in Mindset

First, we’ll dive into myths that wedding professionals struggle with in terms of mindset. Then, for each myth, Maria will share her tip for overcoming a negative mindset.

Myth 1

“I wouldn’t pay this much for my own wedding.” This is a serious mindset block. It is going to be hard for you to sell your client on the fact that you can help them if you don’t believe in what you are charging. It affects how you show up with clients. Once you realize it, you can begin to shift your mindset. It is not your job to decide how your clients should spend their money.

Tip 1:

It is not your job to decide how your clients should spend their money or tell them what they value. You can’t change what someone values. For example, Maria loves Jimmy Choo shoes but she doesn’t value them enough to spend all of her money on them. No matter how great of a sales job you do, she probably still wouldn’t buy them because it’s not what she values. If your client wants $40,000 worth of flowers at their wedding, that’s what they value. 

Put the emphasis on articulating your value and helping your client understand why you’re valuable. As your prices increase, you have to improve your value.

Myth 2

“I can’t make more than my parents.”

Each generation is different and raised differently. Maria remembers when her income exceeded her father’s and she was uncomfortable and was afraid of what he would think. It’s very common for people to have specific views on money based on their upbringing. Once you recognize that you have a particular belief, you’re able to get through it. Unpacking your money story and how you feel about money and what you were told as a child helps you shift your mindset.

Tip 2: 

Change your money mindset. The more money you make, the more you can give back to your family and community.You’ll see more abundance of sales in your business once you shift your mindset that your income is limited.

Myth 3

“I can’t raise my prices because I only have X years of experience.” 

Tip 3: 

Just because you don’t have as much experience as someone or just because someone else in your space charges less doesn’t mean that you can’t charge what you’re worth. Time does not equal talent. Don’t use someone else’s idea of their price to choose what you charge. Decide what you want to make and what your value is.

Ultimately, you have to remember that you are unique and the experience you provide is unique. People aren’t just buying your end product; they’re buying working with you and the experience that you provide. The more you’re able to connect with your potential client, the more you’ll be able to understand what’s important to them which leads to better communication and better service. There’s no one else just like you, and you bring something new to the table. There’s a client for every vendor.

If you’d like to see more from Maria, she offers a challenge for booking clients. Visit bookaclientchallenge.com to learn Maria’s method to get new clients and new sales quickly! Maria also has an Irresistible Selling course based on her sales experience. She customized her process that led to $25 million in software sales into a program for wedding industry professionals. In the course, she teaches fundamental strategies to sell naturally, no matter what phase you’re at in your business. She provides clarity on the processes, structures, and strategies that work to attract the right clients and vet them properly, which ultimately leads to booking them for more money. It’s part mastermind, part group coaching, part online program, plus group calls for questions and feedback. 

My tip for you all? Lean into your mindset. It affects all aspects of your life, not just sales. Results happen, and they’re not by luck. Invest in yourself because you’re worth it. If you want to hear Maria’s three mindset tips for more sales in more depth, listen to Weddings For Real episode 138. Additionally, if you’re looking to make a shift in your business and equip yourself for more sales, consider joining The Planner’s Vault! The Planner’s Vault is the one-stop-shop for membership, education, and mentorship to lead you to a flourishing wedding planning business!


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