Top 5 Books for Enhancing Your CEO Mindset

With the New Year here, you may be looking to level up your CEO mindset and also to read a few more books this year. I’ve put together a list of my top five books for enhancing your CEO mindset!

Megan Gillikin reading favorite business book

Atomic Habits

I read this in 2020 right before the pandemic and then again in 2021.  I think this is a must-read for all humans but especially important for driven, busy, and ambitious entrepreneurs with big goals.  It can help with little personal goals as well as big picture business goals and helps make habits more attainable.  In fact, I have this book to thank for my fruit bowl on my counter in my kitchen. #IYKYK

Building a Storybrand

Every business owner should read this book, period.  Most wedding pros are marketing their business the wrong way and this book is a wonderful and easy roadmap to shifting your marketing messages to actually speak to your client's needs and desires.

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch

Denise Duffield-Thomas is my all-time favorite author and speaker when it comes to money mindset and shifting your beliefs around your worth and your pricing.  She's a bit woo but it's just enough woo in my opinion and I love both this book and her second book, Chill and Prosper.  If you need help with money mindset, these books should for sure be on your shelf! 

The Big Leap

This book changed my thinking and the beliefs about what I could or could not achieve in business and I believe it will do the same for you.  In fact, I have one line from this book that has been written on my bathroom mirror for the last two years now.  This book is about getting out of your own way and busting through your self-imposed upper limit!

You are a Badass

If you struggle with feelings of imposter syndrome or have a strong inner critic who you feel is keeping you small, you must read this book. I love the audio version in addition to the paperback and try to read it every couple years.  This book will give you the push to embrace imperfection, take action on your goals, and will fill your cup with inspiration that you are meant to show up and do big things!

Bonus Books

Dare to Lead - I'm a super fan of everything Brené brown does and this book is a great read to get you thinking more like a CEO and leader of your business. In the book, Brene breaks down what makes for brave leadership and touches on vulnerability, courage and you and your team can learn and grow from failure.  While you're at it, consider adding The Gifts Of Imperfection (10th anniversary edition) to your list as well.  It's another one of my favorites!

Giftology - A short and sweet read but SO good when it comes to re-thinking how you gift your clients and other wedding pros.  A worthwhile read if gifting is something you want to level up on in 2023!

Have you read any of these or do you plan to? Let me know in the comments! Check out this blog post for my favorite books for combatting imposter syndrome, too.

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